System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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wikiforum-description (talk) (Translate) Description:
wikiforum-edit-category (talk) (Translate) Edit category
wikiforum-edit-forum (talk) (Translate) Edit forum
wikiforum-edit-reply (talk) (Translate) Edit reply
wikiforum-edit-thread (talk) (Translate) Edit thread
wikiforum-edited (talk) (Translate) Edited by {{GENDER:$3|$2}} on $4 at $5.
wikiforum-error-add (talk) (Translate) Error while adding
wikiforum-error-bad-title (talk) (Translate) The title supplied contained invalid characters.
wikiforum-error-captcha (talk) (Translate) Error - incorrect or missing CAPTCHA
wikiforum-error-category (talk) (Translate) Category error
wikiforum-error-delete (talk) (Translate) Error while deleting
wikiforum-error-double-post (talk) (Translate) You've already posted this reply!
wikiforum-error-edit (talk) (Translate) Error while editing
wikiforum-error-forum (talk) (Translate) Forum error
wikiforum-error-general (talk) (Translate) Object not found or no rights to perform this action.
wikiforum-error-general-title (talk) (Translate) Object not found or no rights to perform this action
wikiforum-error-move-thread (talk) (Translate) Error while moving thread
wikiforum-error-no-reply (talk) (Translate) Reply not correctly filled out.
wikiforum-error-no-rights (talk) (Translate) You don't have the rights to perform this action.
wikiforum-error-no-text-or-title (talk) (Translate) Title or text not correctly filled out.
wikiforum-error-not-found (talk) (Translate) Object not found.
wikiforum-error-readonly (talk) (Translate) The database has been marked as read-only. You may not perform any write actions at the moment.
wikiforum-error-search (talk) (Translate) Search error
wikiforum-error-search-missing-query (talk) (Translate) You must supply a term to search for!
wikiforum-error-sticky (talk) (Translate) Error while changing sticky attribute
wikiforum-error-thread (talk) (Translate) Thread error
wikiforum-error-thread-close (talk) (Translate) Error while closing thread
wikiforum-error-thread-closed (talk) (Translate) Thread is currently closed. It's not possible to add a new reply here.
wikiforum-error-thread-reopen (talk) (Translate) Error while reopening thread
wikiforum-error-title-already-exists (talk) (Translate) A thread already exists with the specified title. Please choose another.
wikiforum-error-write (talk) (Translate) Error while writing
wikiforum-forum (talk) (Translate) Forum: $1 > $2
wikiforum-forum-is-empty (talk) (Translate) This forum is currently empty. Please contact a forum administrator to have some categories and forums added.
wikiforum-forum-name (talk) (Translate) Forum $1
wikiforum-forum-not-found (talk) (Translate) Forum not found
wikiforum-forum-not-found-text (talk) (Translate) Forum does not exist.
wikiforum-forum-preload (talk) (Translate) Title of your forum
wikiforum-invalid-id (talk) (Translate) Invalid ID
wikiforum-latest-reply (talk) (Translate) Latest reply
wikiforum-latest-thread (talk) (Translate) Latest thread
wikiforum-make-sticky (talk) (Translate) Make sticky
wikiforum-max-replies-per-page (talk) (Translate) 10
wikiforum-max-threads-per-page (talk) (Translate) 20
wikiforum-move-thread (talk) (Translate) Move thread
wikiforum-must-supply-thread (talk) (Translate) You must supply a thread ID.
wikiforum-name (talk) (Translate) Name:
wikiforum-new-thread (talk) (Translate) New thread
wikiforum-no-threads (talk) (Translate) No threads are available at the moment.
wikiforum-overview (talk) (Translate) Overview
wikiforum-pages (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Page|Pages}}:
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