System messages

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System messages
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wikilove-barnstar-special-title (talk) (Translate) The Special Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-surreal-desc (talk) (Translate) The Surreal Barnstar is awarded to any user who adds "special flavor" to the community by acting as a sort of wildcard.
wikilove-barnstar-surreal-option (talk) (Translate) Surreal Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-surreal-title (talk) (Translate) The Surreal Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-teamwork-desc (talk) (Translate) The Teamwork Barnstar is awarded when several editors work together to improve an article.
wikilove-barnstar-teamwork-option (talk) (Translate) Teamwork Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-teamwork-title (talk) (Translate) The Teamwork Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-technical-desc (talk) (Translate) The Technical Barnstar is awarded to anyone who has enhanced {{SITENAME}} through their technical work (programming, bot building, link repair, etc.).
wikilove-barnstar-technical-option (talk) (Translate) Technical Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-technical-title (talk) (Translate) The Technical Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-tireless-desc (talk) (Translate) The Tireless Contributor Barnstar is awarded to especially tireless editors who contribute an especially large body of work without sacrificing quality.
wikilove-barnstar-tireless-option (talk) (Translate) Tireless Contributor Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-tireless-title (talk) (Translate) The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-writers-desc (talk) (Translate) The Writer's Barnstar is awarded to any user who has written a large number of articles or has contributed a large number of edits.
wikilove-barnstar-writers-option (talk) (Translate) Writer's Barnstar
wikilove-barnstar-writers-title (talk) (Translate) The Writer's Barnstar
wikilove-button-preview (talk) (Translate) Preview
wikilove-button-send (talk) (Translate) Send WikiLove
wikilove-commons-link (talk) (Translate) Wikimedia Commons
wikilove-commons-text (talk) (Translate) You can find images by browsing $1.
wikilove-commons-url (talk) (Translate) //
wikilove-desc (talk) (Translate) Adds an interface for facilitating positive user feedback to user talk pages
wikilove-dialog-title (talk) (Translate) WikiLove – Send a message of appreciation to another user
wikilove-enable-preference (talk) (Translate) Enable showing appreciation for other users with the WikiLove tab
wikilove-enter-message (talk) (Translate) Enter a message:
wikilove-err-cannot-edit (talk) (Translate) You don't have permission to edit that page.
wikilove-err-gallery (talk) (Translate) Something went wrong when loading the images.
wikilove-err-gallery-again (talk) (Translate) Try again
wikilove-err-header (talk) (Translate) Please enter a header.
wikilove-err-image (talk) (Translate) Please select an image.
wikilove-err-image-api (talk) (Translate) Something went wrong when retrieving the image. Please try again.
wikilove-err-image-bad (talk) (Translate) Image does not exist.
wikilove-err-invalid-token (talk) (Translate) Could not send WikiLove due to a loss of session data. Try reloading the page or logging out and logging back in.
wikilove-err-invalid-username (talk) (Translate) The username is not valid.
wikilove-err-max-exceeded (talk) (Translate) You cannot send WikiLove to more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|user|users}} at once.
wikilove-err-msg (talk) (Translate) Please enter a personalized message.
wikilove-err-no-self-wikilove (talk) (Translate) You cannot send WikiLove to yourself. Sorry!
wikilove-err-not-logged-in (talk) (Translate) You are not logged in. Please log in to use WikiLove.
wikilove-err-preview-api (talk) (Translate) Something went wrong during previewing. Please try again.
wikilove-err-redirect (talk) (Translate) The user's talk page is a redirect.
wikilove-err-send-api (talk) (Translate) Something went wrong when sending the message. Please try again.
wikilove-err-sig (talk) (Translate) Please do not include a signature in the message.
wikilove-err-title (talk) (Translate) Please enter a title.
wikilove-food-baklava-desc (talk) (Translate) Baklava is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey.
wikilove-food-baklava-header (talk) (Translate) Some baklava for you!
wikilove-food-baklava-option (talk) (Translate) Baklava
wikilove-food-beer-desc (talk) (Translate) Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably oldest alcoholic beverage. It is the third most popular drink after water and tea.
wikilove-food-beer-header (talk) (Translate) A beer for you!
wikilove-food-beer-option (talk) (Translate) Beer
wikilove-food-brownie-desc (talk) (Translate) A brownie is a flat, baked treat made of dense, rich chocolate cake. They are usually served as squares or bars.
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