System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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wikilove-food-brownie-header (talk) (Translate) A brownie for you!
wikilove-food-brownie-option (talk) (Translate) Brownie
wikilove-food-bubbletea-desc (talk) (Translate) Bubble tea is a tea or juice beverage containing small chewy balls made of tapioca starch or jelly. First invented in Taiwan, it is now popular in many areas of the world.
wikilove-food-bubbletea-header (talk) (Translate) Some bubble tea for you!
wikilove-food-bubbletea-option (talk) (Translate) Bubble tea
wikilove-food-cheeseburger-desc (talk) (Translate) A staple of diners and fast-food restaurants, cheeseburgers were first popularized in the United States during the 1920s and 30s.
wikilove-food-cheeseburger-header (talk) (Translate) A cheeseburger for you!
wikilove-food-cheeseburger-option (talk) (Translate) Cheeseburger
wikilove-food-coffee-desc (talk) (Translate) Appreciated all over the world, coffee is known for its energizing effect on people.
wikilove-food-coffee-header (talk) (Translate) A cup of coffee for you!
wikilove-food-coffee-option (talk) (Translate) Cup of coffee
wikilove-food-cookie-desc (talk) (Translate) Cookies (known as biscuits in the UK) are small baked treats that come in a wide array of flavors, shapes, and sizes.
wikilove-food-cookie-header (talk) (Translate) A cookie for you!
wikilove-food-cookie-option (talk) (Translate) Cookie
wikilove-food-cupcake-desc (talk) (Translate) A cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person. They are often served with frosting and sprinkles on top.
wikilove-food-cupcake-header (talk) (Translate) A cupcake for you!
wikilove-food-cupcake-option (talk) (Translate) Cupcake
wikilove-food-pie-desc (talk) (Translate) Pies can be filled with a wide variety of sweet or savory ingredients. Popular varieties include apple, cherry, peach, chocolate, and pecan.
wikilove-food-pie-header (talk) (Translate) A pie for you!
wikilove-food-pie-option (talk) (Translate) Pie
wikilove-food-select (talk) (Translate) Select food or drink item:
wikilove-food-strawberries-desc (talk) (Translate) The strawberry fruit (which is not actually a berry) is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness.
wikilove-food-strawberries-header (talk) (Translate) A bowl of strawberries for you!
wikilove-food-strawberries-option (talk) (Translate) Strawberries
wikilove-food-stroopwafels-desc (talk) (Translate) A stroopwafel is a Dutch snack made from two thin layers of baked batter with a caramel-like syrup filling in the middle.
wikilove-food-stroopwafels-header (talk) (Translate) Some stroopwafels for you!
wikilove-food-stroopwafels-option (talk) (Translate) Stroopwafels
wikilove-food-tea-desc (talk) (Translate) After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, with milk or sugar.
wikilove-food-tea-header (talk) (Translate) A cup of tea for you!
wikilove-food-tea-option (talk) (Translate) Cup of tea
wikilove-foxes-header (talk) (Translate) A fox for you!
wikilove-get-started-header (talk) (Translate) Let's get started!
wikilove-get-started-list-1 (talk) (Translate) Select the type of WikiLove you wish to send
wikilove-get-started-list-2 (talk) (Translate) Add details to your WikiLove
wikilove-get-started-list-3 (talk) (Translate) Send your WikiLove!
wikilove-goats-header (talk) (Translate) A goat for you!
wikilove-header (talk) (Translate) Enter a header:
wikilove-image (talk) (Translate) Enter an image filename:
wikilove-image-example (talk) (Translate) (example: Trophy.png)
wikilove-kittens-header (talk) (Translate) A kitten for you!
wikilove-notify (talk) (Translate) Notify the user by email
wikilove-omit-sig (talk) (Translate) (without a signature)
wikilove-preview (talk) (Translate) Preview
wikilove-select-image (talk) (Translate) Select an image:
wikilove-select-type (talk) (Translate) Select type
wikilove-success-number (talk) (Translate) $1 WikiLove {{PLURAL:$1|message|messages}} sent.
wikilove-summary (talk) (Translate) /* $1 */ new WikiLove message
wikilove-tab-text (talk) (Translate) WikiLove
wikilove-terms (talk) (Translate) By submitting, you agree to transparency under these $1.
wikilove-terms-link (talk) (Translate) terms
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